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VNS News Links Archive - September 2005

Updated : Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:15 PM

Links are supplied that researchers have access to more information. Hour of the Time does not necessarily endorse, approve, or disapprove of any site linked from these pages. This is the age of deception. We are engaged in an information war. Links will take you to many other websites containing varying degrees of personal belief, religious dogma, truth, lies, misinformation, and disinformation. We urge you to practice due diligence in your quest for truth.


WHO: Impossible to estimate pandemic deaths - 'You could pick almost any number,'  health official warns



Roberts Confirmed as Chief Justice

NASA Chief Says Shuttle Program Was Mistake

Dutch Set to Expand Euthanasia Guidelines

Commander now backs off troop pullout idea

US forces 'out of control', says Reuters chief

Pentagon Analyst to Plead Guilty to Leak - *AIPAC at it again - Zionists

Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Photos


Credit-card delinquencies hit record

America well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extraction, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. ...She might become dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.-- John Quincy Adams, [July 4, 1821]

The Red Cross money pit - Let me tell you, in a life of working with veterans, one theme that constantly comes up is the Red Cross' negligence and thievery

Muslims say new laws dangerous - How is "terrorist" to be defined in the lawbooks. Time to bring out those buried guns in socialist Australia

FEMA criticized for cruise ship deal - Your tax dollars at work. Just look at the headquarters that FEMA has to work out of in New Orleans. All their hard work is being done aboard the Carnival cruise ship "Ecstasy" of all places

Rita causes record damage to oil rigs

Big government déjà vu

Sweden's new funeral rite - bodies freeze-dried, powdered and made into tree mulch - Stallin and Lenin had their own tree farm-above bodies for their "organic cycle of life"

Afghan absurdities - More lies

DeLay Indicted in Campaign Finance Probe


Gun Law Useless: Harsher Punishment For Crimes Needed

Protesters urge state legislators to roll back pay raises - Could you vote yourself a huge 34% pay raise without asking your employer?

Haj Ali al-Qaysi, the hooded prisoner: ‘Abu Ghraib is training camp for resistance’

Pa. Case Is Newest Round in Evolution Debate

"One of the images, shot by photographer Dave Martin for The Associated Press, shows a young black man wading through chest-deep waters after 'looting' a grocery store, according to the caption. In the other...a white man and a similarly light-skinned woman also waded through chest-deep water after 'finding' goods that included bread and soda in a local grocery store, according to the caption. Apparently,'s not looting if you're white."
  -- Chicago Tribune, 9/5/05

Leader of New Orleans Police Resigns - GOOD!

With Hand on Heart: Pelosi Admits Israel Comes First

Gun foes to warn tourists on law - Beginning Saturday, Floridians can use deadly force in self-defense.

Katrina relief contracts come under investigation

Maverick in 'second human cloning bid'


IBM Leads Charge to Legitimize RFID

US army plans to bulk-buy anthrax

Immigration state of emergency AZ and NM

Nigeria militia storm oil station

Trouble in Nigeria adds to Rita effect on oil price - Will this be another excuse for the oil companies?

Banker Gets ID Chip Implant

FAMILY DEMANDS THE TRUTH - New inquiry may expose events that led to Pat Tillman’s death

England Convicted in Abu Ghraib Abuse Case

US forced to import bullets from Israel as troops use 250,000 for every rebel killed

Lessons from a fallen empire

A constitutional nonperson?

GI Janes in Iraq DIY smutfest - Warzone porn and gore online. What is America becoming?

A Less Fashionable War - A commentary on the war on drugs



Eminent domain up close

State lawmakers facing big, fat protest over pay raise

CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada

Democracy, But Not Necessarily Freedom - From the article: " Aristotle recognized that constitutions in an important sense are undemocratic, if by “democracy” we mean “the untrammeled authority of the majority.” When the U.S. Constitution enumerates a finite set of congressional powers or the First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law ...” they impose limits on what “the people” collectively may do. By doing so, they protect the people — individually."

Why china kicks our butt!? - .........caution! there is partial nudity here......
please overlook that part and look at the big picture!

San Francisco Gun Ban A Losing Proposition - Also read the bill itself here

Katrina Exposes Government for What It Is


Watch this video about police confiscating weapons in New Orleans. Watch for this quote "Police took their weapons but LET THEM STAY IN THEIR HOMES". Then what is their justification?

U.S. leads the world in sale of military goods

A Federated Republic or One Nation?



Congressman: Atta papers destroyed on orders

Sweeping the Constituiton under the rug

Court wrongly upholds unconstitutional jailing

Gold at 17-year peak in Europe

Bad Decision, Dangerous Precedent


Armed militia protects its New Orleans neighborhood

U.S. schooling falls back in global ratings - Another reason to return to homeschooling

Atheist Gets Victory in 'Under God' Case - More on the pledge of allegiance. Perhaps it is well nigh to strike the words "In God we Trust" from all denominations of the U.S. currencey as well

US jobless growth at 10-year high

JAMES L. MARTIN: Federal estate tax repeal would wipe away costs for everyday people

Katrina educates world on need for owning guns - A great article on the necessity of an armed citizenry in times of natural and/or man-made disasters. References are made to Katrina and the L.A. riots of 1992. A must read. When your life is in danger, you don't want to rely on a police force that is stretched way too thin. And the last thing you want to hear when you call 9-1-1 is: "All our operators are busy right now ..." That might just be the last thing you ever hear.


The Deadly Legacy of the Welfare State Lies in New Orleans

German Plane With Katrina Aid Turned Back

Defeating terror may mean giving up rights, MI5 warns- Now MI5 is calling for the curtailment of civil (natural) rights as a means to fight terrorism in socialist collectivist Britain.
A must read.

How much do you value your rights?

KATRINA'S AFTERMATH: Michigan squads lay down law in the South - TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Michigan bills would allow residents to fatally shoot intruders - BRAVO!

Vote fraud: Worse than you think

A Look at the Refugee Situation Around the Country

Hunger Strikers Pledge to Die in Guantánamo

The unorthodox orthodox


Ammunition Registration Unworkable

The value of private charity

How does Iraqi constitution compare to America's?

Crude oil supplies overwhelm refineries

US court upholds enemy combatant's detention

New Orleans Begins Confiscating Firearms as Water Recedes - Firearms confiscation in New Orleans? Maybe it is high time that the authorities provoke another Lexington and Concord, just as the British did in 1775 and get the country back on the right track

Louisiana Guard soldiers heading home

Why We Fight : The resolution, HJ RES 114, explicitly cited the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 as one of the reasons we had to go to war.  The authorization granted the President to use force against Iraq cited two precise reasons:

1.      “To defend the national security of the U.S. against the continuing threat posed by Iraq and”

2.      “Enforce all relevant United Nations Council resolutions regarding Iraq.”

Many other reasons were given to stir the emotions of the American public and the U.S. Congress, reasons that were grossly misleading and found not to be true.  The pretense of a legal justification was a sham. 

The fact that Congress is not permitted under the Constitution to transfer the war power to a president was ignored. Only Congress can declare war, if we were inclined to follow the rule of law.  To add insult to injury, HJ RES 114 cited United Nations resolutions as justifications for the war.  Ignoring the Constitution while using the UN to justify the war showed callous disregard for the restraints carefully written in the Constitution.  The authors deliberately wanted to make war difficult to enter without legislative debate, and they purposely kept the responsibility out of the hands of the executive branch.  Surely they never dreamed an international government would have influence over our foreign policy or tell us when we should enter into armed conflict.

Paul Supports Gas Tax Relief


I find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and the duty of the General Government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevailing tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that though the people support the Government the Government should not support the people. The friendliness and charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow-citizens in misfortune. This has been repeatedly and quite lately demonstrated. Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the Government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character, while it prevents the indulgence among our people of that kindly sentiment and conduct which strengthens the bonds of a common brotherhood. — President Grover Cleveland, upon vetoing a bill appropriating money to aid drought-stricken farmers in Texas (February 16, 1887)

Planned Parenthood Continues to Exploit Hurricane Katrina Victims - More abortions means less people to support -Yeah yeah yeah!... Disgusting.

Doctors ‘may be helping ill children to die’ - Human life being devalued again.


Storm Survivors Told To 'Expose Themselves - Girls Gone Wild - at gunpoint...

Girl Scouts National Conclave to Feature Pro-Abortion, Pro-Lesbian Speakers

I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp

Concerns Grow About Toxic Floodwaters

Guns: Facts & Fallacies

Bush Launches Inquiry and puts Himself in Charge of It

Lego to be made in China

Top Politicians, Economists, Other Leaders State 9/11 Possibly an Inside Job

Paramedics: Police Prevent People from Leaving New Orleans - A bad situation to be sure, but check out in this article where the paramedics actually condone STEALING and complain because the police weren't helping them to steal!


An Unnatural Disaster: A Hurricane Exposes the Man-Made Disaster of the Welfare State

We Have Been Abandoned By Our Own Country - From the interview : "eds to be a Cabinet-level director.  It needs to be an independent agency that will be able to fulfill its mission to work in partnership with state and local governments around America.  FEMA needs to be empowered to do the things it was created to do." SCARY....

New Orleans Mayor Says Death Toll Could Be 10,000

Police join looters (Windows Media Player Video 6 meg)


Struggling Ford to fire 400 managers

Superdome of Shame

Airboaters stalled by FEMA

Major oil spill seen on Mississippi River-officials

Sonic 'Lasers' Head to Flood Zone 

Bush Equates War In Iraq To WWII


Martial Law; surrender guns

Second Navy Hospital Ship Will Head to Gulf Coast

Records Confirm at Least Seven ATF Gun Show 'Stings'

Only one way to eliminate drug-war Violence

Fuel plan takes wrong turn

Federal Pie Floweth Over

    'Hope is Fading' at New Orleans Convention Center

Astrodome Too Full to Accept More Evacuees

Gulf crisis threatens economic ripple effect

California Senate OKs same-sex marriage

Health care is your personal responsibility

A Sad Day, Too, for Architecture

New Orleans rocked by huge blasts


Economics for the Citizen, Part 3

A look at the positive side of price-gouging and greed

The war within

The Nevada Campaign to Defeat the Patiot Act slowly works its way south