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VNS News Links Archive - March 2005

Updated : Wednesday, May 4, 2005 7:03 PM

Links are supplied that researchers have access to more information. Hour of the Time does not necessarily endorse, approve, or disapprove of any site linked from these pages. This is the age of deception. We are engaged in an information war. Links will take you to many other websites containing varying degrees of personal belief, religious dogma, truth, lies, misinformation, and disinformation. We urge you to practice due diligence in your quest for truth.


NutraSweet to Boost Aspartame Capacity Amid Rising Demand - Who would actually consume this stuff given the known health risks? Much worse for you than cigarettes...

Ind. Business Told to Hide Nude Statues

EU proposes 15% duty on US goods - Ok, so we already don't buy Chinese goods (DO YOU?) and now I guess we won't buy EU goods either!

With Iraq tying up manpower, two analysts raise specter of draft

Many Guard returnees jobless

Terri Schiavo Dies in Florida Hospice - It is our opinion that the only way the family could have saved her life would have been to draw their line in the sand and shown up with a group of supporters willing to give up their lives for the cause. It is clear that when unjust laws are being enforced, and human lives (or a single life) are on the line, that this is the only solution. This was and is an act of war against the handicapped. More details on Terri here.

Revealing FACTS on the ACLU from its own writings - A MUST READ. Read the first stated goal in this article "The ACLU's founder, Roger Baldwin, stated: "We are for SOCIALISM, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself... We seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the SOLE CONTROL of those who produce wealth. COMMUNISM is the goal." (Source: Trial and Error, by Geo. Grant) "

Despite law, banks foreclose on soldiers - this is a perfect example of how foreign wars serve to destroy the middle class in America and usher inthe New World Order.

George W. Bush, the Frightened Man

Iraqi Lawmakers Fail to Agree on Speaker

Bush Plays Down Iraq Political Disputes

Mahathir: US dollar collapsing




State Workers May Lose 2 of Their Paid Holidays

Deputies looking for missing guns - Firearms disappeared from trunk of squad car - I don't know about you, but I've never lost a gun.

New Fingerprint Technology Developed

Phila. Police Buy Back Unwanted Guns from Public - Here is why these programs are a total waste of tax money: 1. Crooks don't turn in their guns, 2. The guns that ARE turned in are usually non-functioning or collector's items that would not be used in a crime anyway, 3. Gun buy programs actually ENCOURAGE crime by providing a motive for people to steal a gun just to turn it in.

US Has been preparing to turn America into a military dictatorship

Israel is among the holocaust deniers

'Return of the Mac' - coming soon - Big Mac lyrics for artists may pay off BIG! so much for musical talent, creativity and originality

UK trebles military exports to China - Our ally?

IRS May Tax Your EBay Sales 

Colorado Court Bars Execution Because Jurors Consulted Bible

New city police cars will have cameras


Round overshoots mountain, hits in family's back yard

AP: Iran Stockpiling High-Tech Small Arms

What’s Wrong with Public Schools?

Congress considers controls for cable TV and the Internet

National Wealth Tax to Fund Education?

Welfare Junkies

Family Wonders If Prozac Spurred Rampage

Relatives: Did meds play a role?

Prozac web site

Reservist: Knee blows that killed 2 detainees were approved

New Details on F.B.I. Aid for Saudis after 9/11 - Your bribe.. ahem....I mean TAX... dollars at work!

8.2 Earthquake Registered off Sumatra

Los Alamos Muon Detector Could Thwart Nuclear Smugglers

US steps up war on Afghan opium

Pope too ill for Easter services - who will be the next pope and what will his agenda be?


'The clues were all there'.School shooter depicted as deeply disturbed, ignored teen - Read the 7th paragraph - Minn. School Killer was on Prozac!!!

Spying on Citizens - Brevard Law Enforcement Surveillance Chills the Precious Right to Speak Out

Rice Warns Israel Against Settlement Expansion

Minnesota School Shooter Wore Bullet-Proof Vest

US jobless claims rise against expectations - VOTE with your dollar! Buy goods made by your neighbors! Support American based manufacturing and jobs. Every dollar spent on a Chinese good gives them more strength and takes strength away from you and your neighbors.

Senate Bill Would Allow Citizens to Kill Those Who Threaten Them - Thanks, but we've always had that right in America. It's not our fault that everyone hasn't read the Constitution.

Israeli entrepreneurs train to enter U.S. homeland security market

Army Expects Recruiting to Slump Further - I wonder how much money we spent for this amazing conclusion! "Let's see - unpopular war, more soldiers are dying every day. Yeah I think I'll join up."


'One huge US jail'

Powerful Quake Rattles Southern Japan

In pictures: Iraq protests

Worldwide protests mark Iraq war


Pentagon 'hid' damning Halliburton audit

British troops may replace Italians in Iraq

Video games Train Warfighters

White House Heavily Redacts Clinton Papers - Is Bush covering for Clinton?

US detainee death toll 'hits 108' - Imagine if this was 108 Americans in a foreign jail...

Bush Defends Packaged News Stories from Government - Joseph Goebbels is alive and well in Amerika

Auditors Find IRS Employees Vulnerable to Hackers Posing as Information Technology Employees

Fictional ‘24' brings real issue of torture home - legitimizing torture on television

A changed military emerges from Iraq war

Female GIs hard hit by war syndrome

Nothing 'New' in This War

Weapons of mass disinformation - Comments from a listener on this article - "A good critique of socialism and its offshoots. The author of this article does not subscribe to the flawed political model which claims NAZIsm to be right-wing. Instead he lumps "national socialism" with all other socialisms, including communism. A MUST READ

The Death of the Dollar

GM to Cut N.American White-Collar Workers

Iraq's Jaafari aims for Sharia rule

Rumsfeld Laments Iraq Invasion Restriction

UH team locates huge Japanese sub - Researchers discover the wreckage of a giant underwater aircraft carrier scuttled after WWII

Your body and broadband

New technology uses human body for broadband networking

'Tourists beware' when visiting Scotland

Bill would OK use of cameras to track red-lights runners

The hand signal known as "il cornuti" (the devil's hand)


Military Dismantles Cold War Radar Systems

FBI suggests Congress ban gun sales to terrorism suspects

New-look passports

Ice age bacteria brought back to life

Governors Work to Improve H.S. Education


If any of you have read the current Popular Mechanics story about 9/11 theories, you like this well written rebuttal to their article.

Brewer's shotgun advert is banned

CIA challenged on suspects’ torture overseas

Dangerous chemicals in personal care products compromise health

FBI Tracks you on the Internet - Example here (Cute joke)

Troops pay to keep latest assault rifle at home - The Swiss get a better deal than Americans - even though there is a catch

Some interesting quotes about the Us Constitution

WANTED: 250,000 Americans to Fight Fake News & Government Propaganda

Are you a man or a mouse? Chimeric experimentation is producing animal-human hybrids. This time, science really has gone too far

Jewish community lines up to blunt message of anti-Zionist author

Italy plans Iraq troop pull-out

or ar they? Italian troops to stay, after all

US warns China over latest challenge towards Taiwan

3 teens charged with plotting N.B. school attack : Notice that the article states how the attack was planned for April 20th. Ahhhh shades of Columbine, Waco, Oklahoma City, Warsaw ghetto uprising, Lexington and Concord. Don't forget to pay your taxes on that day too. The government can use such stories to further erode our natural, creator-endowed rights.

Web to have 'terror watch' team : Let me see if I have this right. Supposedly these guys have the ability to search for suspicious activity on the net and track it to its source, but they can do nothing about the $7 billion a year in lost productivity caused by worm and virus writers?

Sue Israel, not the bulldozer maker : More lack of personal responsibility : If a drunk driver injures you - sue the bar that served him - not the drunk! Ridiculous!

Bulgaria Latest U.S. Ally Seeking Iraq Pullout

Two years of thefts suspected at airport - Protecting us from terrorists? Or robbing us blind?

Kelly Jones Sparks Airport Security Alert - Musician stopped at airport for wearing a t-shirt with a gun print on it. What's next?

Ex-Halliburton Worker Indicted for Fraud

No Convictions Among Guantanamo Suspects Sent Home

US troops shoot Iraqi general dead: police

Fighting Crime the 11th Century Way... : DON'T TREAD ON ME! The consequences of gun control in Nelson Mandela's socialist South Africa

Sacramento Airport Booty - donated by you? Do you recognize your "terrorist" Swiss army knife?

FBI retires Carnivore - Ahhhh. Now we can all relax...


We Beat Prisoners to Death, Says U.S. Army

Europeans probe CIA role in abductions : Terror suspects possibly taken to nations that torture

America's wackiest taxes : You might pay taxes on illegal drugs, Pepsi, playing cards, and being a star, and that's not all.


The Bill of Rights: Due Process of Law

The Gulag: Lest We Forget

Unnecessary Tragedy

A stampede against justice : A return to the star- chamber courts of medieval Britain

When the anti-Israel sentiment comes from within

A judgment call - An interesting article on the anti-gun nuts...

Food and Cancer, the Best and the Worst

Suing the Climate Changers : From the article : "Specifically, the 3rd IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) assessment report, issued in 2001, provided the necessary legal basis by stating that most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is "likely" to have been caused by human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. In courts, "likely" is a defined term meaning that there is 66 percent to 90 percent confidence in a fact. In most of the world's civil courts, a 51 percent certainty is enough to establish a fact before the court. SCARY!!!!

Possibility of Growing New Teeth Envisioned

Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction

Girl Scouts Vow To Take On NYPD In Cookie Ticket Flap : Methinks it is time to revolt against the "king" of big government!

Is International Law Really Law? From the article : "Treaties are "law" only for U.S. domestic purposes. In their international operation, treaties are simply "political," and not legally binding. " The opinion of the same hypocrite neo-con and CFR member that expects other nations to comply with treaties they have signed. 

VIDEO : Cop Shoots Himself, In A School! This cop is giving a gun safety lecture and then accidently shoots himself! "Only cops should have guns"

Absorbed By the State

FBI Work Challenged, Conviction Negated

Legislation Introduced to Protect Vaccine Manufacturers from Product Liability Litigation; SafeMinds Urges Opposition to HR 650 : With autism on the rise, U.S. Congress comes to the aid of vaccine manufacturers

Agribusiness giant Monsanto faces criminal and civil charges in the United States for bribery and other offences committed in Indonesia.

News Links in regards to the Padilla case

United Religions Initiative Web site creating a one world religion


When walls have ears...

Greenspan Touts Idea of a Consumption Tax

House OKs Bill on Faith-Based Jobs




Maximum pain is aim of new US weapon

Syrian Troops to Begin Withdrawal Monday

Taiwan experiences double whammy of quakes

Terror suspects to be kept in jail : CHARLES CLARKE is preparing to defy Britainís most senior judges by keeping 10 foreign terror suspects in jail without charge despite the law lords ruling that it would be illegal."I am above the law!!!"

'Reckless' nuclear plant dumps waste on beaches

Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed'

Al-Qaeda 'has 200 on UK streets'

Back off or suffer oil shock: Tehran

Seafloor earthquakes signal eruption off Vancouver Island

Arar fights for right to see secret evidence


Tracking PCs anywhere on the Net

Is America going broke?

Have a blog, lose your job?

U.S.: Syria Pledge Not Enough

Internet music pirates made to pay up

Wells Fargo Web-enables 6,200 ATMs

Israeli bank 'in laundering scam'

Gas prices set to rocket

Magnitude 5.2 - OFF THE COAST OF OREGON 2005 March 7 02:34:33 UTC

Study: More Using Web for Political News

Italy's relations with US soured by attack on hostage

Taser sales to public worry officers

For the U.S., the drug war is still an uphill battle

So much for illusions

The Strange Case of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali: Troubling Questions about the Government's Motives and Tactics

Gun Nuts at 30,000 Feet?

U.N. influence on court's juvenile execution ban : In 5-4 case, majority ruling based on global treaties, foreign opinions

Mara Salvatruchas to take on the Minutemen vigilantes

Coming From Microsoft: Robot Babysitters?



Drugs to combat superbugs 'will soon be useless'


Q&A: Putting Saddam on trial

Bush Pushes Faith-Based Initiative

Afghan heroin crop threatens to flood UK

Preliminary Earthquake Report - Another one

The new religion is global warming

Introduction To The Treasonous International Bar Association

U.S. Soldier Fights To Keep Home While In Iraq - Don't you love banks?

In Vermont, a Town-Meeting revolt over Iraq war

State Dept. Study Cites Torture of Prisoners

Supreme Court Bars Death Penalty for Juvenile Killers

Heads roll at Veterans Administration - Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal blamed

Dollar Loses Ground to Yen, Euro, Pound

Few companies have to tell when identity thieves strike

U.N. shuffles on rape cases - Annan claims 'very firm measures' amid continuing sex-abuse scandal

German banks cozy with ex-commies - Latest revelation involving Putin steps up scrutiny of questionable ties

Author: Stop loophole for drug firms - Pharmaceuticals based in Puerto Rico pay no taxes to Washington

Padilla must be released or charged, federal judge rules - Terrorism suspect can’t be held indefinitely; government gets 45 days to make its case

Lighters to be banned on airline flights

Bill would let workers sue if boss hires illegally

New Theory: How to Make Objects Invisible

Aussie scientists stumble across HIV therapy

Bush's budget – the welfare state lives

Anti-gun activist arrested after firearm found at home

Wolfowitz and Fiorina in race to head World Bank - Neo-Con to Run World Bank?

SC activist using legislature to remind citizens, teach children that they have a Bill of Rights

Life-long Republican believes only piece of Flight 77 wreckage was planted at Pentagon on 9/11

Former aide: Relationships more important than history - Doug Wead, who exposed secret recordings with President Bush, says he wants to get the tapes "back to the president to whom they belong"



Las Vegas Resorts Insert RFID Chips in Casino Chips from Canada web site

EU offers privacy guidelines for RFID

Parents, Civil Liberties Groups Protest RFID Child Monitoring