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VNS News Links Archive - July 2005

Updated : Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:23 PM

Links are supplied that researchers have access to more information. Hour of the Time does not necessarily endorse, approve, or disapprove of any site linked from these pages. This is the age of deception. We are engaged in an information war. Links will take you to many other websites containing varying degrees of personal belief, religious dogma, truth, lies, misinformation, and disinformation. We urge you to practice due diligence in your quest for truth.


Israeli Prime minister’s son indicted

Trade Pact Approved By House - The Fifth Column has won. DON'T FORGET THE THREE B's

Rumsfeld Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq - They say Rumsfeld is there to help with "harmful interference" from foreigners. What about standing-up for the united States and protecting us from "harmful interference" by "foreign extremists". Most notably the foreigners from the District of Columbia!

School study sparks pesticide row

Downloading 'myths' challenged - Maybe if we had some government regulations and taxation, all these problems would go away. Yeah right!

Selling Out Our Country - Too bad the author didn't give all of the examples of the Socialists on the other side of the aisle. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

ACLU Sues North Carolina to Allow Various Religious Texts for Courtroom Oaths

D.C. Residents Rally in Support of Gun Restrictions

Black Hat Day 1: A Cover Up? - Remember the Hour Of The Time exclusive interview on Friday, 29 Jul 05, with cutting edge reporting live from the event and security updates.

This is a good pilot. Have your speakers on.

Riverside sheriff's deputies face charges for alleged inmate attack - This inmate is another one of our allies who has been "neutralized" by imprisonment.

Testing for depleted uranium in La. soldiers passes into law

Implant chip to identify the dead

Shooting officer sent on holiday - Rewarding the gestapo for murdering an innocent man in cold blood instead of punishing them. How nice!!! Your tax dollars at work in socialist Britain.


Scientists worried by riot control ray gun - We covered this on HOTT a few months ago. To get a good article, look to Popular Science under "non-lethal weapons"

CAFTA undermines immigration laws

New Yorkers Handle Subway Checks as Part of Their Day - And what part of the Consitution gives them the right to do this?

The Circus of the Sun plans to open new Temple

Another Way to Lose Your Shirt in Vegas - We'll have a live interview from this conference on our program on Friday!

Study Will Test Stem Cell Therapy on Human Hearts

U.S. Pushes Anti-Terrorism in Africa

Iraq Constitution May Erode Women's Rights

Metropolitan Police handout photo a fake? Notice the man with the white hat on.  How can his left arm be behind the railing?  I'd say the British Gov. just got caught with sloppy photo superimposing, unless you believe this man is missing out on a multimillion dollar career as the "rubber man" in a circus, of course.  But, we know how tricky Muslims are when it comes to bending the laws of physics,  just look at 9-11.

Business Technology: U.N. Snatches Internet; Tomorrow All IT? - An interesting theory.

Uncle Sam wants you – even if you’re 42 years old


Renewed Patriot Act Gets Boost in House, Senate Panel - FROM THE PIECE: "Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.), the bill's author and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said Americans are safer today because of the antiterrorism law."

Smells like a sale: Markets sniff out new tactic : But this story is two years old. Imagine what they might be doing now. I knew something smelled funny!
Doyel referenced the Pentagon's contract scent lab who develops these for mind control and "non-lethal" weapons use when he did some of the broadcasts on this subject 3 years ago.

NASA May Bend Rules to Launch Discovery

Hillary's Opponent: Senate candidate says his Web site was erased

Ice mission almost set for launch

Man shot by police in U.K. found to be innocent



Apparel Maker Tags RFID For Kids' Sleepwear

Smartwear - *contains video justifing implantable chip for "the children" . Watch the background and mood of the video change to make you feel better (mind control) about chipping your children. A far as the concerns about what it could be used for........ not mentioned.

Keeping Tabs On RFID

UK plans global extremists list

London Attacked Again; Police Confirm 4 Blasts


States Trying to Blunt Property Ruling

Go paperless for safer banking - More scare tactics

N.Y. Breaks Electric Consumption Records

China Out - Unocal backs $17 bln Chevron bid

A Move To the Right, An Eye to Confirmation


From 06/30 - US suspected of keeping secret prisoners on warships: UN official

RFID: Tagged, You're It!

Bendable E-Paper!

Hi-tech eyes in tunnels

Ebonics suggested for district

NRA Punishes City for Banning Legal Firearms

Politicians Want Gun Buyers Checked, Not Illegal Aliens

The War On Guns - Please, oh please, dear sheople, understand this simple fact - once the government has all the guns they will FINALLY be able to protect us all. The Canadians have it right you know. Give up your guns and freedom will be at the door! Thank god for the benevolent dictators! I mean to say " thank MANKIND for the illumined! " Praise be to King George!

White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan

The State: The God That Always Fails - READ THIS!

From 07/13 - Homeland Security To Be Restructured

New Tack Against Illegal Immigrants: Trespassing Charges

Africa Needs Freedom, Not “Aid”

AID TO AFRICA - I'm too stupid to decide where my money should go. Drug addicted Rock and Roll stars are much more in touch with compassion. PLEASE TAX ME MORE AND SPEND My HARD EARNED CASH! Thanks be to government! Government bless you. Praise be to the government!

"For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!" - Noooooooo. Let's let the socialist rock stars tell us what to do! Hail Bob Geldof!

A Wreck of a Plan

FBI Monitored Web Sites for 2004 Protests

West turns blind eye as police put Saddam's torturers back to work - We caught Saddam though - he's happily eating doritos and raison bran - focus your attentions on the cheezie doritos! Hilarious stuff! Saddam loves Doritos! hahahahahahahaha. The torture thing and American boys being killed every day is worth this kind of entertainment! hahahahahahahahaha!

Tyranny finally arrives in America! - Now we can rest comfortably with the knowledge that our government is keeping us safe from 11 year olds.

Jewish settler seeks to become Palestinian - Interesting

Former Vietnam Combat and Commericail Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government Job - Ask yourselves again "Who benefits from 911?"


Bush Wants Land Transferred to City - More proof that Bush is a Communist. I forgot which part of the constitution said the president proposes legislation to the house. Bush is proposing land exchanges without any mention of a vote from the residents. This also fits in neatly with the fact the Bush has had the defense aspects of the area moved out from their tactically decided areas to a perimeter two hundred miles away.


The Pentagon: Islam’s Newest Department of Defense

What Should America do for Africa?

Lessons from the Kelo Decision

Henry Lamb- A Great Freedom Fighter Documents how your Dietary Supplements are Under Attack

Official North American Community documents enclosed... : North American Union - Sectoral Plans, Council of Foriegn Relations: Building a North American Community, Independent Task Force: Building a North American Community - Please read and observe the socialist one world plans outlined within. It is easy to notice their lingo like "Zen techniques" , "5 year plan", "free movement of labor", etc. as all socialist/communist inspired. It is going to be a bumpy ride!!

Electricity-Free Fridge!

Chinese General Threatens Use of A-Bombs if US Intrudes


OPEN LETTER TO FEDERALLY LICENSED FIREARMS IMPORTERS AND REGISTERED IMPORTERS OF U.S. MUNITIONS IMPORT LIST ARTICLES - ATF has posted an open letter expanding their interpretation of the Clinton '92 non-sporting import ban which was an expansion of the Bush '89 import ban. In 1989 President Bush appeared with the Brady Bunch and announced that he had asked ATF to reinterpret the law to further restrict imports. In 1992 President Clinton issued an executive order tightening imports even further. The new action stops the importation of parts. It is unlikely that the '05 restrictions occurred without a direct request from the President ashappened in '89 and '92. "...ATF will no longer approve ATF Form 6 applications for importation of any frames, receivers, or barrels for firearms that would be prohibited from importation if assembled. No exceptions to the statutory language, forexample for "repair or replacement" of existing firearms, will beallowed..."

BlueBear Network Acquires Breakthrough 3D Face Camera - More useless gadgets to enslave the sheople. (Probably soon to be paid for with your tax dollars!)

Scientists predict brave new world of brain pills - Great Idea! Let your government decide how you should think and then let your taxes pay for the drugs to make you think that way. Hurray! We no longer have any reason to think for ourselves! And thank goodness it came just in time too- wasn't it getting oh-so tiring fighting for what we believed in?


Permanent Patriot Act Proposed

Paving the Road to Hell


Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Et Cetera  - A MUST READ!

London fights to regain footing - Toll at more than 50 as public transit reopens amid ‘risk of another attack’


Good article on shooting and JFK

Report on Potential Milk Threat Published - Government Objects, Says Data Could Aid Terrorists

Canada to Ban Bulk Exports of Rx Drugs

'No-fly' procedures still plague air travelers


33 confirmed dead in London blasts

Look what the socialists are up to now, giving the president unlimited reign! - Go to this link, at the search box use "enter bill number" option and enter HJ24. You will find the exact transcript of the proposed bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Don't forget the three "B's". Happy reading, Doyel.



Codex Update-Voice Your Opinion!

~ it's illegal to observe the government ~

Government authorized ways to celebrate your freedoms, this 4th of July

China Tells Congress To Back Off Businesses - It is time to nip this problem in the bud.

'Is the Right of the People to Alter or Abolish It' - FROM THE PIECE: "Michael Scheuer [send him mail] is the author of Imperial Hubris and Through Our Enemies' Eyes. He recently resigned after 22 years at the CIA."

Where Are the Sons of Liberty?

Celebrating the Fourth of July

What’s Happened to America?

John Quincy Adams on U.S. Foreign Policy - A MUST READ in light of the current war in Iraq

ANTI-GOVERNMENT PHOBIA. You are mentally ill? - Maybe a hoax now, but just wait a few years...

Reporter Jailed for Refusal to Name Leak Source


Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide...

Military Expands Homeland Efforts

El Paso County challenges gun rules in Denver


VA Faces $2.6 Billion Shortfall in Medical Care - Anyone with sense would have simply counted every head being deployed. If for nothing else, a good physical and documentation purposes for future care. The DoD and VA are a bunch of lying socialist scum.

Bush Says War Is Worth Sacrifice

New Office to Oversee Intelligence Abroad - Another link in the chain of slavery! Has anyone wondered what the FBI is doing operating overseas? Who is going to be in control of the all powerful offices? It is time people take back control of government, stop allowing it to be a despotic operation and return it to a government by the consent of the governed.

Two US Soldiers Found Dead in Afghanistan

"The Little Black Book - Queer in the 21st Century" - (Caution: extremely gross and disgusting.  We debated posting this in unedited form; we did so because it was given to schoolchildren in a public school, written with public money. Unfortunately, it's necessary that the public see it.)

Web site on Bush drive to Iraq war pressures media

Rights, Powers and Duties - A good site on the constitution

'Live 8' Stars Got $12,000 Goodie Bags - It sure is easy for a rock star to preach about aid to Africa when they don't have to worry about domestic policy and things like getting roads paved and making sure water and sewer systems are working...IE: The very few things our governements should be responsable for! Reduce my taxes and I'll send my own donations to Africa - don't ROB from me and then send MY money where you think is best...


Nonconsentual Taking

Secret air campaign against Iraq?

Marine crisis looms over acidifying oceans - Another contrived crisis to alleviate industrial nations and the populace they contain.

Confiscating property


Parents Cautioned: Look Out for LOGO - Homosexual Cable Network Going Into Millions of Homes, Whether They Want It or Not

Bush the Melting

Spyware slime bag uses Flash to silently restore your deleted cookies.

An older link : Masons lift shroud of secrecy to recruit



THE PRICE THE FOUNDING FATHERS PAID FOR LIBERTY - As you are celebrating the 4th of July please take a moment to reflect on the cost of the founding fathers and their generation for you to enjoy all your freedom that they paid for with blood and treasure. Take the time to read the Declaration of Independence on the 4th and reflect on all the things we have had, thanks to that generation's sacrifices.