
HOTT Newslinks April 24, 2010

70% of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration – Rasmussen Reports┢



The Raw Story | US may soon create up to half million jobs a month: Biden

Definitely more propaganda




There may be reasonable doubt about both assertions–peace-seeking and praying.



Death of ‘Caveman’ ends an era in Idaho | Local News | Idaho Statesman



Vital Remnants: Could biofuels ruin the environment?



FOXNews.com – Homeless ‘Hero’ Ignored While Dying on NYC Street



Republican Governors Pay Homage To Guy Fawkes – Swampland – TIME.com




U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat – IPS ipsnews.net

Is this more propaganda?



Town that scrapped its speed cameras sees no increase in accidents | Mail Online



UPDATE 1-Obama warns of ‘misguided’ immigration efforts | Reuters



FOXNews.com – Boy Scouts ordered to pay $18.5M in sex abuse case



FOXNews.com – Immigration Advocates Vow to Fight Arizona Law



Obama Seeks Immigration Overhaul, Slams Arizona Law – Bloomberg




  1. 80 percent of Amerikans don’t trust the federal government!
    Patriot News Network – War on Freedom
    (Found on http://www.brentjohnson.us‘s website)
    The mainstream press likes to make us feel isolated, but this poll says different.

    WASHINGTON – April 19, 2010 – Amerika’s “Great Compromiser” Henry Clay called government “the great trust,” but most Amerikans today have little faith in Washington’s ability to deal with the nation’s problems.

    Public confidence in government is at one of the lowest points in a half century, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center. Nearly 8 in 10 Amerikans say they don’t trust the federal government and have little faith it can solve Amerika’s ills, the survey found.

    The survey illustrates the ominous situation illegitimate President Barack Obama and the Democrat Party face as they struggle to maintain their comfortable congressional majorities in this fall’s elections. Midterm prospects are typically tough for the party in power. Add a toxic environment like this and lots of incumbent Democrats could be out of work.

    The survey found that just 22% of those questioned say they can trust Washington almost always or most of the time and just 19% say they are basically content with it. Nearly half say the government negatively affects their daily lives, a sentiment that’s grown over the past dozen years.

    This anti-government feeling has driven the Tea Party movement, reflected in fierce protests this past week.

    “The government’s been lying to people for years. Politicians make promises to get elected, and when they get elected, they don’t follow through,” says Cindy Wanto, 57, a registered Democrat from Nemacolin, Pennsylvania, who joined several thousand for a rally in Washington on April 15 – the tax filing deadline. “There’s too much government in my business. It was a problem before Obama, but he’s certainly not helping to fix it.”

  2. I have not trusted the federal government for the entirety of my life. Anyone that does is a fool.
    The People are stupid for having any trust whatsoever in their federal government. If that isn’t painfully obvious to you by now, you are truly intentionally asleep and ignorant of the facts and you deserve what is coming to you.
    The Tea Parties aren’t going to solve anything either. Waste of time. Just go to them and recruit any good people you can find in the crowds (and there are some good ones there!). The rest can go hang.
    I think the American people are among the dumbest people on the planet. I can’t believe I am still reading articles that question those in power, that ponder if they are any good or not, when the facts have been in for a long time: They are NO GOOD. NONE OF THEM. NOT ONE. And it is time for an overhaul. Period.

  3. Ted :
    The People are stupid for having any trust whatsoever in their federal government. If that isn’t painfully obvious to you by now, you are truly intentionally asleep and ignorant of the facts and you deserve what is coming to you.

    “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people … They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson

  4. “The present state of America is truly alarming to every man capable of reflexion.” — from “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine
    Sheep are sheep and cannot be educated. That is the great folly of trying to wake up the masses. What good will it it do to try and wake up and educate morons? It is a contradiction in terms–at best.
    The solution is simple: educate and recruit smart people. Bypass all the idiots and leave them to rot. It’s all they know how to do anyway.

  5. You will find the defenders of liberty as those who hold great responsibility. This is what immortalizes the spirit of humankind.

  6. Ted :
    Sheep are sheep and cannot be educated. That is the great folly of trying to wake up the masses. What good will it it do to try and wake up and educate morons? It is a contradiction in terms–at best.

    I disagree. How did you and I come here to HOTT? Education. How did Doyel and Rob come to HOTT? Education. How did Bill start HOTT? Education. One way or another, we all came here through some medium to become educated, and that education encourages us to research even more. Education does not happen over night; it is a gradual progress. Perhaps I am an idealist and optimist, but I believe the “the whole mass of the people” will eventually wake up. It is for the most part, but, evidently, it is slow. Our War of Independence did not happen over night, it was a gradual progress to waken the people. Additionally, it did not take a majority to start a wildfire, it was a few that started the fire and that fire spread massively. If our forefathers did it, who is to say we cannot do it?

  7. Additionally, I would like to add one more thing. Let us not forget that most of us are products of government concentration camps (i.e. public schooling). So we are used to the government’s point of view. So as we educate others on this issue, it will be tougher and come under scrutiny because the people are used to “conventional wisdom” handled to them in the government concentration camps. So I can understand your cynicism, but it can be overturned.

  8. We came to HOTT because we’re smart and went looking for solutions. Idiots aren’t smart and don’t go looking for solutions. Which is why we are in the mess we are in. There are too many of them and not enough of us.

  9. @ Ted

    I agree w/ your point that sheep are sheep, but I think it is because of fear, not stupidity. Yes, most of the sheep are morons, but all of them are afraid of the truth. What I have encountered when I try to wake up sheep is that they fignt you on the principle, not the logic of what you are saying. They can understand the logic and comprehend most of what you tell them, but they choose to believe the “safe” version of reality they have always known.

    It is like Bill Cooper said. “From the time a person leaves its mother’s womb, its every effort is directed towards building, maintaining, and withdrawing into artificial wombs, various sorts of substitute protective devices or shells.”
    …and this is how they respond when you try to wake them up…
    “(1) provide for the survival of the nation/womb.
    (2) prevent encroachment of anything upon the nation/womb.
    (3) destroy the enemy who threatens the nation/womb.
    (4) destroy those citizens of their own country who do not conform for the sake of stability of the nation/womb.”

  10. @All

    In the last few years, I have literally traveled from the Arctic Circle to Venezuela, Mexico, D.C., etc. and have met and spoke with/to thousands of people. With maybe one or two exceptions in those thousands, I would have to say that ignorance is willful.

    It seems the whole world has bought the lie that governments are the answer to their problems. Very few people see and understand the extent to which their views are manipulated; and still even fewer care enough to do something about it.

    I am almost to the point where I no longer speak to individuals about “education” and “waking up.” Outside the person that became my wife, not one person has cared enough to do their own research. Not one; many have agreed that politicians are corrupt, that the bankers rule the world, et cetera et cetera; however, they all still want to be told what to believe.

    People, now, are the same everywhere, as it has been engineered: ignorant, easily lead and controlled, and bred to be good workers/consumers.
    Even the so-called “Patriot Movement” has its share of idiots, some planted and some not. The arguments I see are much like the arguments found in Monty Python’s movie, “The Life of Brian:” His shoe fell off, we must all remove our shoes!; No, only his left shoe fell off, so we must remove our left shoes only!; We must venerate the shoe and leave ours on!; ad naseum.
    I still hope to find like-minded individuals, but that hope is getting slim…

  11. If you guys know whats going on in Arizona then please, explaine about situation for that person. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp70lRbhR4E. This is realy important to tell him what we should do rigth now in this thing particulate. But anyway lets try to find more solution and then we the people are going to destroy the New World Order complete. My goal is freedom! Freedom meens that freedom to live life without suffering anymore. Lets put all things together and lets fight against NWO basstards. Lets do it! God Bless you all! May the Buddha be with you and may the Shiva bless you soul and May the Jesus be your protecter and may the Good Gods be with you patriots.

  12. Cooper didn’t say that. Those words came from “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”. And not only is your point well taken, but serves to further strengthen my argument. Sheep are stupid and are threatened by the only thing that can save them. Now, I really think they’re stupid. Let them stay in their mother’s womb.

  13. Good point Ted. I guess my weakness is my desire to believe that there is still some sliver of hope… that there is still some tiny amount of good left in humanity that can be brought to the surface. However, I am quickly realizing that this belief is probalby completely unfounded.

    And I appologize if I mis-quoted that – I thought I remembered reading that in BAPH, so I assumed it was Mr. Cooper’s original work… his analysis of how he had seen sheep behave. So, thank you for the clarification Ted.

  14. There is a sliver of hope. Always. It’s just that it can’t be found with sheople. And that’s why we call them sheople to begin with. Our hope is with the smart people. That means you. The hope of which you speak lies with you and no one else.

  15. Another thing is that many of the sheople who are in the Tea Party movement, for example, are in it because they think the problems can be fixed. Our problems cannot be fixed. The debt cannot be repaid. It simply is not possible. The foreign wars and the war economy that has helped to destroy us is still in place and it is only a matter of time, very soon, before it completely collapses and the empire comes to a close. Tea Partiers think that they can keep all of the above and keep it going as long as they like — so long as their candidate (it appears to be Sara Palin at the moment) is running things. Nothing could be further from the truth. It matters not at all who is driving this ship. The fact is that it is headed for a crash and nothing can stop it. Sheople do not understand this. They think that everything will be all right if we could only elect the right people. Nonsense. Nonsense sheople mentality. That is all it is.

  16. Ted, Those are good points about the “neo-tea parties” (I refuse to just call them tea parties because I think that is an insult to the patriots of the original Tea Parties – hence the neo- prefix I have chosen to add). Any neo-tea party member that aligns themself with Sara Palin is foolish because even IF a candidate could restore US sovereignty and constitutional authority, she certainly would not be the one to do it.
    My opinion on Sarah Palin is that she is a lightning rod planted to create division and conflict among the sheople. I see neo-tea party allegiance to her as the same allegiance that liberal sheople attached to Obama. Each side is trying to create their own “political messiah” that can save them. So in that respect, you are right… it is an illogical and irrational mentality. Nonsense is a good word for it.

  17. Shakira Speaks Out Against Arizona Immigration Law

    “…I am not an expert on the constitution, but I know that the constitution exists to protect people…” – Shakira, “She Wolf”

    I think that we shouldn’t be too surprised, if most of these celebrities get together and do some type of “we are the world” thing, concerning the new immigration law…

  18. Nothing is going to stop the Arizona Momentum now. This thing is poised to run its course, looks like. Looks like there’s going to be a fight.

  19. On Shakira. It’s funny, this coming from someone, who in a music video, dances in a cage with a sign above that reads, “do not feed the animal”.

  20. Anybody actually read the “new” law? It not only re-iterizes already existing federal law, it removes the requirement to have a warrant for arrest if the officer has “probable cause”:

    Sec. 2. Title 11, chapter 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, ARTICLE 8, SECTION 11-1051, F:

    A law enforcement officer, without a warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed any public offense that makes the person removable from the United States.

    Sec. 2. Title 11, chapter 7, Arizona Revised Statutes ARTICLE 8, SECTION 11-1051, B:

    For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person. The person’s immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c).

    removes the necessity of “probable cause” to stop people and grants the officer the ability to have “reasonable suspicion.”

    And, at the end of this little gem, we have:

    This act shall be implemented in a manner consistent with federal laws regulating immigration, protecting the civil rights of all persons and respecting the privileges and immunities of United States citizens.

    Vere are yore papers!?!

    This type of legislation has been tried before & it did not work out so well for some people.

  21. I understand the intent of this new statute, but this situation is a double edge sword. The benefit is the potential for deporting illegal immigrants; however, it is not a good idea to give the government the delegated power to search and detain persons without probable cause or search warrants. This statute will fail in the end. Why? Naturalization and immigration powers are delegated to the federal government, not the several states (see Article I, Section 8, Clause 4).

  22. VeritasCogitatio :
    I understand the intent of this new statute, but this situation is a double edge sword. The benefit is the potential for deporting illegal immigrants; however, it is not a good idea to give the government the delegated power to search and detain persons without probable cause or search warrants. This statute will fail in the end. Why? Naturalization and immigration powers are delegated to the federal government, not the several states (see Article I, Section 8, Clause 4).


    The weird thing about this law is that it just says that it will enforce the federal laws and statutes; the local “peace officers” will just turn over any suspected person to the feds, per the law.

    I think it’s the problem portion of the problem-reaction-solution dialectic.