
Red Stars Over Hollywood – Myron C Fagan

Red Stars Over Hollywood

Myron C Fagan

Proofs of a Conspiracy


of a



John Robison


16 years…


The Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations – Myron C Fagan

The Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations

Myron C Fagan

War Is A Racket –

War Is A Racket


Major General Smedley Butler


Hacking Our Republic – CAJI/IS and VNS Exclusive – November 8, 2016 – Andrew Wright

Hacking our Republic
CAJI/IS and VNS Exclusive
November 8, 2016
Andrew Wright


  The 2016 Presidential Election of the United States of America has attracted a significant amount of attention from Americans and the world alike with daily, regularly vehement, opinions being expressed in respect to the candidates by the public and media at large. This article aims to consider the election at an almost preliminary level; the nature of voting, in particular the infrastructure and the question as to whether or not it ultimately makes any difference who Americans vote for on November 8th.

  Electronic voting has been used in the United States for many years and currently is used exclusively by five states (Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, New Jersey and South Carolina) alongside most of the remaining states using a combination of both paper and electronic voting [1]. The electronic equipment that is used for voting is owned and operated by private institutions, some of which include (or have included): Diebold, Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Sequoia and Hart Interactive [2]. The systems are of a proprietary nature, with the source code and other aspects of the systems being closed and vendors being involved in all aspects from designing to maintaining the systems, ultimately resulting in great difficulty when it comes to the public attempting to scrutinize the technology [3]. Although, there have been many cases of computer experts raising concerns in respect to the technology, two notable examples as featured on a prominent documentary on this subject entitled ‘Hacking Democracy’ include Dr. Herbert Hugh Thompson hacking into the GEMS (Global Election Management System) central tabulator and modifying votes and Harri Hustri hacking the memory card used to store votes; both cases resulted in the ability to manipulate the vote count as was desired by the hacker [4]. Another example was a computer programmer who under oath swore that he had written a prototype for a congressman which would alter the results of an election [5].

  The significant power associated with these companies is illustrated by the fact that in 2010, Premier voting systems were used in “over 1,400 jurisdictions in 33 states and serve near 28 million American voters [6].” Concern has been expressed regarding how the companies conduct themselves with election officials and the agendas of key people involved within the organizations. As an example, a quote attributed to the chief executive of the company Diebold notes he is “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year [7].” Another example includes Chuck Hagel, who ran for a senate seat in Nebraska. Prior to the election, the polls were so close that it was noted an outcome could not be predicted. Hagel ultimately won the election by fifteen points. It has been discovered that Hagel, up until two weeks prior to announcing his candidacy, was chairman of ES&S whose computer systems were responsible for counting his own votes for the election. Furthermore, the company’s founder was Hagel’s campaign treasurer. Hagel’s financial ties to ES&S were never disclosed and although a request was made to recount the votes, a state law requiring the votes be recounted using the same mechanism that was used initially deemed it pointless [8]. A number of election officials also end up working for the electronic voting machine companies and sign on as lobbyists. Entities, such as The Election Center, who defend electronic voting, take money from electronic voting companies and don’t disclose how much [9].

  If one delves into most elections that use electronic voting, there seems to regularly be discrepancies and questions raised. From recent elections [10] to perhaps the most well known controversy in the 2004 Presidential Election [11]. The issue also isn’t specific to the United States, but can also be identified overseas [12]. If one desires to investigate how the machines are tested, and whether or not any of the noted issues are formally documented, they are denied communication [13]. Furthermore, not all electronic voting machines leave a paper trail of the vote and as Harri Hustri demonstrated in ‘Hacking Democracy’ it’s possible to manipulate the physical evidence if the machine does emit a print out [4].

  It seems clear that citizens should be concerned with the proliferation of these machines and it could be confidently argued that electronic voting machines, especially in their current state, are not fit for use in elections with the obvious solution being a complete adoption of paper voting and the immediate ceasing of use of these machines for formal voting purposes.



King, E. (2016) How the U.S. Ended up with today’s paper ballots. Available at: http://time.com/4305508/paper-ballot-history/ (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Simon, J. and Baiman, R. (no date) The 2004 Presidential Election: Who Won The Popular Vote? An Examination of the Comparative Validity of Exit Poll and Vote Count Data. Available at: http://freepress.org/images/departments/PopularVotePaper181_1.pdf (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Zeller, T. (2004) Ready or not, electronic voting goes national. Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/19/politics/campaign/ready-or-not-electronic-voting-goes-national.html (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Hacking Democracy (2006) Directed by Simon Ardizzone, Russell Michaels UK


truthstream (2006) Rigged USA elections exposed. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Staff, B. (2010) Dominion voting systems, Inc. Acquires premier election solutions assets from ES&S. Available at: http://www.benzinga.com/press-releases/10/05/b292647/dominion-voting-systems-inc-acquires-premier-election-solutions-assets-#/ixzz15sGvPDXa (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Smyth, J.C. (2003) Voting machine controversy. Available at: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0828-08.htm (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Collier, V., Gumpert, R., Solnit, R., Nolan, R., Oates, J.C., Kirn, W., Sullivan, R. and Neason, A. (2016) Harper’s magazine – part 3. Available at: http://harpers.org/archive/2012/11/how-to-rig-an-election/3/ (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


On the voting machine makers’ tab (2004) Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/12/opinion/on-the-voting-machine-makers-tab.html (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Hatlem, D.J. (2016) Hillary Clinton versus Bernie Sanders: Taking election fraud allegations seriously (part 1). Available at: http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/05/09/hillary-clinton-versus-bernie-sanders-taking-election-fraud-allegations-seriously-part-1/ (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Fitrakis, B. and Wasserman, H. (2004) Diebold’s political machine. Available at: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2004/03/diebolds-political-machine (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


New South Wales Attacks Researchers Who Found Internet Voting Vulnerabilities (2015) Available at: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/04/new-south-wales-attacks-researchers-who-warned-internet-voting-vulnerabilities (Accessed: 13 October 2016).


Harris, B., Allen, D. and Alexander, L. (2004) ‘Who’s Beholden to Whom?’, in Black box voting: Ballot tampering in the 21st century. Renton, WA: Talion Publishing, p. 52.

If Omar doesn’t

represent all Muslims,

then why does he represent

all gun owners?

May 6th

Sandy Hook Battle for Truth – CAJI/IS and VNS Exclusive

Sandy Hook Battle for Truth

By Art Smith

CAJI/IS and VNS Exclusive
January 01, 2015


“We can handle the truth. In fact, without the truth, we cannot live. * We will die. * Slowly, and then all at once. * We will collapse and that will be that. * It will be over. * A dusty pile of rubble and Ho Ho’s and lies. *”

Mike Palecek, Preface, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook

In the three years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, numerous reports have been published on its many strange circumstances. Many have come to the conclusion that the shooting did not happen as described by the media and that at least some of the victims we were told are dead are still alive. Many of these strange details and paradoxes are depicted in the book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.” It is a collection of essays from different authors such as Jim Fetzer, James Tracy, Dr. Eowyn, Mike Palecek, Vivian Lee, Allan William Powell, and others. This book shines a light on so many problems with the official story of Sandy Hook that if people actually read it and saw the photographs, they would realize they have been lied to on a massive scale and start wondering what else the government and media is lying about and why. This book and now Professor James Tracy are facing massive resistance. The book has been completely banned on Amazon and Professor James Tracy is in danger of being fired from Florida Atlantic University because of his research and writing on this topic. He is a tenured Associate Professor of Communication and Multimedia Studies there.

The first time I heard about this book was because of the controversy it was creating on Amazon. It had mostly highly positive reviews and many negative 1-star reviews from people who admitted they had not read the book but were extremely offended at the idea and implications of a staged shooting. Back then you could still buy the book on Amazon and decide for yourself. You can read more about the controversy and see a snapshot of the reviews here at Professor Tracy’s blog Memory Hole.1 After about a month of the book being on Amazon and generating strong sales, the book was banned and even deleted from customers’ Kindles. 2 To combat this ban and keep the book available for interested readers, the book has been released in pdf format for free and you can find it at Professor Tracy’s blog.3

To add to the controversy, Lenny and Veronique Pozner have accused Prof James Tracy of harassing them. Lenny and Veronique Pozner are the parents of Noah Pozner, who was reported to have been killed at Sandy Hook. Later his picture surfaced again and it was claimed he was killed in Peshawar, Pakistan on December 16, 2014, two years after the Sandy Hook shooting. 4  Lenny and Veronique Pozner have written an op/ed for the Sun-Sentinel entitled “Sandy Hook Massacre 3rd Anniversary: Two parents target FAU conspiracy theorist,” in which they state the reprimand he received was not enough and pretty much called for him to be fired. 5 On December 16 Florida Atlantic University has issued a notice of termination, giving Professor Tracy ten days to respond according to their grievance process. 6 Here is Tracy’s response to this action:

The attack upon me and Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, is only the latest in an ongoing campaign to conceal the deception known as “Sandy Hook”. In a December 10 opinion piece published by The South Florida Sun-Sentinel Lenny and Veronique Pozner seek to intimidate my employer into firing me because of the extensive research several academics, including Fetzer and myself, have done on the Sandy Hook massacre. 7

Here is a little glimpse into why this book is so controversial. It starts off by covering previous false flags and explains the reason why governments conduct false flags in the first place. It includes ample photographic evidence showing that the school was closed and a hazard prior to the shooting. There are photos of moss and grime, exposed metal rods that could poke a student on his way to the classroom, absence of handicapped accommodations, classrooms packed full of storage boxes where there should be desks and students learning. (pages 31-33) There is a graphic via the Wayback Machine showing the absence of Internet activity in Sandy Hook Elementary School from 2008 to 2013 (34). In the book you will also find:

  • evidence of Shannon Hick staging the famous photo with children lining up in the parking lot (page 47-53)
  • Anderson Cooper’s disappearing nose (evidence of green-screen effects) (73)
  • showing us what real events and crime scenes (not too graphic) would look like
  • photos of the deceased children singing at the Super Bowl (82-84)
  • photographs of the Lanza home showing different versions of rooms and supposedly evaluation forms and water bottles left behind in some of them.
  • photo of four flattened slugs supposedly shot into Nancy Lanza. Even to a layman it is hard to imagine these slugs actually came from a body. The book explains they were probably fired into ballistic retardant or gel. (125)
  • photos of the crime scene in Nancy Lanza’s bedroom (nothing too graphic but inconsistent with a real crime scene?). (125-128).
  • photos of the school set up preparation like moving trucks, storage pallets, empty moving trucks, vehicles with fake bullet holes and police tape hanging off, re-parking (139-146).
  • none of Adam Lanza’s victims is in the Social Security Death Master File (163-166).
  • FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook (Appendix A)

At this time it is important to help and support Professor Tracy, even though he is not really asking for anything yet. You can support him by getting a copy of his book, reading it, and sharing it with others. You can read and subscribe to his blog and make a donation. He is facing difficult times and he is married with four children. You can call or write the President of Florida Atlantic University, Dr. John Kelly, at (561) 297-3450. Mailing address Rm 339, Kenneth R. Williams Administration Building 10, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33431. You can purchase a hard copy of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook from Moon Rock Books.

I believe the reason this book is being so harshly censored is because of the numerous photographs it contains. These days it is often hard if not impossible to convince anyone who is not already inclined to take a look at alternative media websites, even harder to get them to spend a lot of time reading and doing research. This book not only includes great writing and research, it also has a vast amount of photographic evidence of a false flag including showing us what a real incident would look like, while sparing us the graphic details. To deny the information in this book would be like saying your eyes are lying or that all those photos are fake, which is a very big stretch for most people. Help Professor Tracy and support his work and you may just help bring the truth to light and who knows where that will lead next.


VNS Exclusive – 12/16/15 – The Grip of the Lion’s Paw – The Masons and the KGC

Veritas News Service and CAJI Exclusive

The Grip of the Lion’s Paw:

The Masons and the KGC

by Mike Visockis

Our author has compiled a wonderfully large collection of Civil War era photographs with the help of the National Archives

and has formed them into a .pdf book presentation.

The Grip of the Lions Paw

This is a very large file and takes several minutes to download.

Updated from July 2011


 Paul Ryan Hidden Hand

November 05, 2015

RIP friend.


There are numerous folks throughout the years who have worked behind the scenes as well to keep the broadcast going, let’s remember some of them as well because many have since passed on while others have just gotten older.  Many of these taken from his scrapbook, some wrote Veritas, some you’ve heard on the broacast and some were just nice…




























































Also, what would today be without a research offer for you to improve your understanding of the issues at hand…

One Year In Hell